Узнать кто звонил с номера 1800953051

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Варианты написания номера +1800953051, +1 800953051, 800953051, tel:+1-800953051
Всего просмотров 7
Последний просмотр 2023-12-24

Отзывы о +381800953051
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Received an SMS from +61 483 394 651 telling me I have paid $2, 500 to someone from PayPal and to call 1800-953-XXX to dispute the transaction. No money paid. Definitely a scam!
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
This is a Indian group try to call to scam money!!! Be careful and don't give them your details
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Scam, pretending to be Paypal
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Got an SMS from mobile number, +61447762326. SMS purports to be PayPal, and says: "PAYPAL: You've Sent $1500. 00 AUD to Iima's Holdings Ltd. On 2021/08/18 Transaction Id#T278GWRE39K, For Dispute, Contact Us : +61-1800-953051 Thank you.!!". Definitely a scam, please be careful everyone.
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
I got SMS today from +61487206545 : ALERT: You've sent $2300. 00 For Virtual credit card by PayPal on 2021/08/18 TXN#.... For Dispute Customer Support: +61-1800-953051. Obviously a scam message and didn't call the number
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
I got Sms today: [#]ALERT: You've sent $2300. 00 For Visrtual credit card by PayPal on 2021/08/18 TXN#.... For Dispute Dial:... Called them and was told that they can cancel this transaction but need my Bank Card number, including the last 3 digits on the back of the card! The person knew details of my last 2 transactions with PayPal and my full name and DOB. If this happens to you, unlink your bank card from the PayPal and replace it.
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
"PayPal: You've paid $1299. 99 AUD to Intellect Co. Ltd on... If any dispute, Dial now: " No payments gone from paypal, so completley dodge.
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
"PayPal: You've paid $1299. 99 AUD to Intellect Co. Ltd on... If any dispute, Dial now: " No payments gone from paypal, so completley dodge.
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Message from +61 459 766 346 Dear Customer: You've sent $1200. 00AUD for virtual card at Paypal*VIC on 2021/08/18
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Just got sent this- Security AIert: You've sent $2000. 00 AUD to Insta Holding Co. Ltd. At Paypal on 2021/08/18 Transaction Id #401FTR51EVAP, For Dispute, Dial : +61-1800-953-051. Definitely a scammer. Don't have that much to spend ATM and no Paypal account!!!!
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Alleged paypal payment, scam text, reported to paypal
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Message from +61482583822 Dear Customer: You've sent $1200. 00 AUD For Virtual Card at PayPaI*VlC on 2021/08/18 TXN-ID#U315DRT14RTrrXf, If NOT you, Call us: +61-1800-953051 For DISPUTE.!!
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
You have send $ 2000 to Insta holding through PAYPAL SCAM
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
The message I received via text is: ALERT: You've sent $2300. 00 for Virtual credit card by PayPal on 2021/08/18 TXN#29QCD37GFDsgCi for dispute, customer support: +61-1800-953051 Thank you. I definitely did not spend any money today, especially that value and certainly not through PayPal. I think they are wanting people to ring the phone number so they can confirm my mobile and obtain private information to access bank accounts. Didn't respond and won't respond - will block number!
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Message from +61480371143 stating I'd sent $1200 for a virtual card at Paypal transaction (list of letters and numbers). And to call the number for dispute. Not going to. Sounds like a scam to me.
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
SMS from +61458782968: "PAYPAL: You've sent $1500. 00 to lima's Holdings Ltd. On 2021/08/18 Transaction ID#[11 digit alpha numeric], For Dispute, Contact Us: +61-1800-953051 Thank you.!!
👤 Аноним написал(а): (0) | (0) | (0)
Text claiming to be from PayPal. " You've paid $1299. 99 AUD to Intellect Co. Ltd...." Gave the 1800 number to call to dispute. I logged in to my PayPal account (not using links provided in the text) and no such payment had been made. Thi is a scam.

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